Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Survive in the Woods

Only very recently I had an art attack. Art attacks come and go without preceding warnings. This one had the theme: "Survive in the Woods".  Here are some of the results. They often inspire me to go on and perhaps make a game or a comic. I would like to make an adventure game sometime soon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pikachu Sightings at Cologne Carnival

We went to the Carnival in Cologne yesterday. Laura dressed up as a Pikachu. And me? Well, for me we discovered a new species of Pikachu. The black Pikachu! They are very rare and quite shy. Even their lightning bolts are black and have a distinct smell of licorice. Here are a couple of snapshots to prove their existence.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Achtung Autobahn!

Achtung, for those of you, who speak German. The video from the Amaze Jump and Run Party is out. I talk about the game, as a native speaker:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Something new Worx

Hi friends.
Nothing much to say. Only that I'm back at work. I am trying out dynamic effects on the frames.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Jamming

Over the last weekend I went to the Nordic Game Jam. I worked with Erik Svedäng and Kian Bashiri on a game involving grapes and the cutest music. We didn't get it done at all, but it was a good experience to work together on one little project. If we'd just had more time.. 
I met many kind people. It felt a bit like we had known each other since childhood.
I am really looking forward to the next jam.